Archive | July, 2011

Change of plans…

31 Jul

Welcome to Africa =)

Time to get flexible and take the speed out of life…. and flight schedules.

After spending a day in jo’burg getting on and off the same plane again and again the airline has now put us up in a lovely airport hotel. We’ll try to get to Namibia again tomorrow.

and now its time for some sleeeeep. Good night everybody!

Bye bye for now

30 Jul

Dear Friends,

In less that 24 hours we’ll be sitting in the lounge of the wonderful Oysterbox guesthouse in Walvis Bay.  It’s just a few minutes’ away from the place where we will pick up Patsy on monday.

We are more excited than we can tell you to start our amazing African adventure. Thanks to all who have supported us during the preparations. After one and a half years of planning we will are really looking forward to get things started and we are definitely in need of some relaxation and recharging.

Lots of stories (and photos, of course!) will follow here whenever we find an internet connection.  Until then thank you very much for supporting us…..see you next year….

Patsy arrived in Africa

25 Jul

We just received an email from Inge and Knud who shipped their car in the same container to Africa. The picked up their Mitsu from the port yesterday and told us that everything is alright and that Patsy also made it to Namibia. Jippieee 🙂

Let the journed begin (in 6 days and 4 hours)