Archive | March, 2011

Repairing a leaky gaiter

19 Mar

Maybe our excitement for spring came a little bit too early…. This weekend we have the snow line back at 400 m and very cold weather with lots of rain in Vienna. Lucky for us, this weekends work took place indoors at the garage KFZ Lehner in Leobersdorf. The professionals from Lehner did not only do a great job with repairing Patsys leaky front joint gaiter but also had the patience to answer all our questions.

And a lot we had…wanna see a puzzled face…here you go 😉


14 Mar

Spring has finally arrived in Vienna! With temperatures rising above 10°C we moved into a friends garage for the weekend (THANK YOU ALEXANDER!!) and started our first pre-trip preparations.

Due to the clean car requirements when shipping a car overseas we have to thoroughly clean the undercarriage of our car. The previous owner meticulously spread a thick layer of grease on the undercarriage to preserve and protect the car against corrosion and then drove to Lybia for a trip through the desert. When that layer of grease met the Lybian desert they formed a nice rust coloured sand cake all over the bottom of the car. Unfortunately, this made it very hard to identify real rust from sand coloured grease. It also made us wonder if there is any sand left in Lybia….

Our first weekend in the garage was mainly used to get an idea what the condition of the car is underneath the grease and to identify problem areas that need rust removal and a new protection layer.

We also had to repair some of the electrics as the back lights had started a life of their own due to some loose wires. After spending approximately two hours trying to unscrew the light fittings we really became aware that we have a 10 year old vehicle. But with the use of some rust removal oil, Alexanders brazing equipment, heavy thinking, wire connectors and cable straps everything was back to normal.

While spending two days underneath our car we also realized that the right transmission shaft was losing oil so we are in for an appointment with the professionals to get that fixed.

A weekend well spent!

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