Archive | June, 2011

Patsy goes to Africa….

21 Jun

After 1 1/2 year of planing, designing, building and heavy thinking the first big step is done…Hard to believe but yesterday we were done with packing and drove Patsy 1,000 km over finest European highways to Hamburg to ship her to Namibia. Though the car is quite stuffed for shipping there will be much more space as soon as we are able to put the slatted frame, mattress and sleeping bags into the rooftop tent  which we will buy in Walvis Bay.

Have a save trip Patsy and see you soon in Africa….

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Fundraising evening

15 Jun

What a great fundraising evening. The cinema was almost full and we were really impressed by all the people who came and enjoyed a great evening with us.

The first visitors already arrived at 8 pm and had the chance to take a look at all the wonderful Wola Nani handcrafts we ordered from South Africa. Shortly before the movie started there were almost 80 people who wanted to see the impressive documentary about the life and work of Pieter-Dirk Uys (Darling! The Pieter-Dirk Uys Story). People were very generous and put a lot of money into our donation box for Africa.

At the end of the fundraising evening we counted EUR 1006,92 from donations and selling the Wola Nani handcrafts! Wow…thank you so much! Furthermore, we received another donation over EUR 500 from Gabriele Neumayr which brings us to a total of 1506,92 EUR for Wola Nani.

The money will be handed over to Wola Nani when we are in South Africa by the end of this year. We will of course post about this when we are in South Africa….

More about this our fundraising can be found here (in German): Patsysdrive4life