Archive | April, 2011

Interior design

5 Apr

A sunny weekend, loads of material, good mood and the use of a friend’s garage….what more does one need to start the interior design?

After spending several days underneath our car, we were now finally able to start working on the interior. Haitske spent several weeks planning the most convenient storage solution. As we will spent 8 months living in our car, this has to be carefully planned to avoid total chaos. And moreover…it should look great too !!  🙂

We wanted to use the same fixing threads installed by the previous owner and build a custom made design accordingly. After making drawing after drawing after drawing we finally decided on a design that consists of an emergency seat, three extractable drawers and some hinged storage boxes. Furthermore, everything we build is well connected to the available anchor points of our car. This is mainly a safety issue, you do not want loose wood flying around inside the car in case of an accident or emergency brake, but also necessary to avoid rattling noises while  offroad driving.

We ordered some more 12 mm laminated birch (same wood we used for the cabinets in the front) and had it cut into the planned sizes. Nevertheless, we soon noticed that there are very few right angles in the back of our car and we had to adapt several pieces of wood to fit properly.

Thanks to Gunter, his professional equipment and tolerant neighbours we were able to make good progress on the new installations and even learned how to improve our previous cabinets.

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